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I design best sipping on a cold brew with salted foam on top, and immersed in 90’s music, chill music, or a playlist Spotify likes to call “Intense studying” (but I’m open to new recommendations).

Over the years, I’ve come to love working with start up companies.

Listening to their stories and goals inspires my creativity! Once a project is completed, I feel extremely accomplished when I see their excitements! I’ve worked with small businesses, who are just looking for basic stationary designs to launch, and also involved in video production for White House Initiatives. My coding skills are rudimentary, but hey, I go this website up and running. If you really need to know the details, check out my LinkedIn here.

When I’m not working, I love hiking, crashing the gym, or working on other random art projects. Sometimes I wish there’s a mountain in my backyard, so I can master the “S” turns on my snowboard. On Saturdays, I mentor high school students on business and life skills, with a focus on giving back projects at a non-profit called AASuccess.

Enough about me. What about you?